Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official Sources: Severe Weather Brazil On 11 February 2020, the Civil Defense of Sao Paulo State in Brazil, reported recent heavy rain affecting the municipalities of Taboão da Serra and Carapicuíba where humanitarian assistance was provided for affected communities. In addition, media reported, 142 people lost their homes and 516 people were…
Official Sources: Severe Weather Peru On 6 February 2020, the Peru National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) reported heavy rains and flooding affecting agricultural land and several towns in Luyando District, Leonicio Prado Province, Huanuco Department, Peru. To date, 313 people and 144 homes were affected and 56 people suffered injuries. The…
Official Sources: Severe Weather Peru On 4 February 2020, the Peru National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) reported heavy and an overflow of the Paque, Tambo, and Huito rivers affected several towns in Codo del Pozuzo District, Puerto Inca Province, Huanuco Department, Peru. To date, 932 people and 285 homes were affected and 26 people…
Unofficial Sources: Severe Weather Bolivia On 3 February 2020, media reported severe weather, including heavy rain, hail, and droughts, affecting fourteen municipalities of Chuquisaca Department, Bolivia, where five deaths were reported. To date, 831 families have been affected. Risk assessment is ongoing. The report is available in Spanish at:…