Natural Disasters Monitoring - June 19, 2020

Official Sources:
Severe Weather

On 19 June 2020, the Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) reported various incidents during the past 24 hours due to heavy rain in El Progreso, Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Chiquimula, San Marcos, and Quetzaltenango departments. Overall, 13,927 persons have been affected, 51 were injured and 29 were evacuated. Additionally, the Tzejá river overflowed and affected crops in the Machaquilá II, Santa Ana and San Pablo communities of El Quiche Department. The reports are available in Spanish at: CONRED, CONRED
Unofficial Sources:
Severe weather

On 19 June 2020, media reported that total of 9 Mayan communities in Felipe Carrillo Puerto municipality, Quantana Roo State, suffer from flooding due to storm drains that come from other states. Particularly, the communities of Santa María Poniente, Petcacab, Chan Santa Cruz, and Mixtequilla have been heavily affected with communication cuts and impassable roads. A total of 260 families are expected to evacuate and move to shelters if flooding persists. The report is available in Spanish at: Sipse Noticias
On 18 June 2020, media reported that heavy rains registered since last week in the Colón and Francisco Javier Pulgar municipalities of the Zulia state affected 800 farmers and destroyed at least 5,000 hectares of plantains. Overall, more than 2,000 people and 500 homes were affected by the floods that resulted from a breakdown of a dam and the overflow of the Chama river. The report is available in Spanish at: Noticia Al Dia