Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official Sources: Volcanic activity Guatemala On 23 March 2020, the Guatemala National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (INSVUMEH) reported that the Fuego volcano generated between 6 to 8 explosions per hour and a column of ash and gas rising to 4,700 meters above sea level with ash fall dispersing up to 15-20…
Official Sources: Volcanic activity Mexico On 20 March 2020, the Mexico National Center for the Prevention (CENAPRED) reported that the Popocatépetl Volcano, located approximately 50 miles outside of Mexico City, registered 138 exhalations accompanied by ash. In addition, there were 106 minutes of low-amplitude tremor in the past 24 hours and ash…
Unofficial Sources: Severe weather Mexico On 18 March 2020, media reported heavy rains that resulted in the damage of water pipes, leaving 2,000 families without water in Monclova and Asturias, Coahuila, Mexico. The report is available in Spanish at: Zócalo Noticias. 
Official Sources: Volcanic Activity Mexico On 18 March 2020, the Mexico National Center for the Prevention of Disasters (CENAPRED) reported that the Popocatépetl Volcano, located approximately 50 miles outside of Mexico City, registered 182 exhalations accompanied by ash; ash fall was dispersed towards the Southeast-South-Southwest sectors. There…
Official Sources: Volcanic Activity Guatemala On 16 March 2020, the Guatemala National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED), reported that the Santiaguito Volcano has been generating weak explosions and releasing a column of ash rising 3,300 meters high above sea level and dispersing to the southwest. The report is available in…
Official Sources:   Volcanic Activity     Guatemala On 10 March 2020, the National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED), reported that the El Fuego Volcano has been generating 9-14 explosions and released a column of ash and gas rising 4,800 meters high above sea level and dispersing approximately 10 to 20…
Official Sources:   Severe Weather Brazil (Update) On 5 March 2020, the São Paulo Department of Civil Defense (DCSP) reported 32 deaths and 46 disappearances to date, caused by heavy rains that hit the Baixada Santista region of São Paulo State on Tuesday 3 March 2020. The deaths and disappearances occurred in the following municipalities:…
Official Sources:   Severe Weather Brazil (Update) On 5 March 2020, the São Paulo Department of Civil Defense (DCSP) reported 28 deaths and 42 disappearances to date, caused by heavy rains that hit the Baixada Santista region of São Paulo State on Tuesday 3 March 2020. The deaths and disappearances occurred in the following municipalities:…
Official Sources:  Severe Weather Brazil On 4 March 2020, the São Paulo Department of Civil Defense (DCSP) reported heavy rains that hit the Baixada Santista region of São Paulo State on Tuesday 3 March 2020 causing 23 deaths and 26 disappearances in the following municipalities: Guarujá (18 deaths and 20 missing), Santos (3 deaths and 5…