Explore the Region of the Americas public health signals and events being monitored to view data on select events. This dashboard can be filtered by location, status (current or closed), designation (substantiated or not substantiated, and hazard.
Explore these dashboards to view cumulative numbers of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and associated deaths, weekly distribution of new COVID-19 cases, morbidity, mortality, and severity of SARS-CoV-2-associated disease. Also, SARS CoV2 transmission levels and variants tracking in the Region of the Americas.
On this dashboard you will find detailed information on transmission levels, morbidity, and mortality associated with influenza, as well as the severity of the disease in reported cases in the Americas region through the FluNet and FluID platforms for sentinel surveillance of respiratory viruses. VIEW DASHBOARD
Explore this dashboard to view the Equine Encephalitis epidemiological situation in the Region of the Americas.
Monitoring and alert of diseases and hazards related to the El Niño phenomenon.