Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official Sources: Severe Weather Brazil On 3 March 2020, the Government of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, reported heavy rain and landslides affecting the municipalities of Santos, São Vicente, Guarujá in Sao Paulo where 12 deaths occurred and 46 people were missing due to the severe weather. In Guarujá Municipality, approximately 200 people…
Official Sources:   Severe Weather Honduras  On 29 February 2020, the Honduras Permanent Contingency Commission (COPECO) reported heavy rain and an overflow of the Leán, Esteban, Bambú, Coco, and Papaloteca rivers in Atlántida Department, Honduras, where 164 homes were affected in 27 communities. COPECO provided humanitarian assistance…
Unofficial Sources:   Severe Weather Peru On 27 February 2020, media reported heavy rain and an overflow of the Moquegua river affecting sectors of Villa Hospitalaria and El Pedregal in Moquegua Department, Peru. In Samegua District, Mariscal Nieto Province, at least 500 families were affected by landslides and 105 families were affected in…
Official Sources: Severe Weather Ecuador (update) On 26 February 2020, the Ecuador Risk Management National Service (SNGRE), updated its report and indicated that recent rain and floods affected the following provinces of Ecuador: Los Ríos, Santa Elena, Manabí, Morona Santiago, and El Oro. To date, in Santa Elena Province, 5,180 people and 1,295…
Official Sources: Severe Weather Ecuador On 24 February 2020, the Ecuador Risk Management National Service (SNGRE), indicated that a state of emergency has been declared for Machala city, Ecuador, due to recent heavy rain and flooding affecting several cantons of the city. To date, 290 people have been evacuated to a shelter. In addition, media…
Official Sources: Severe Weather Bolivia On 20 February 2020, the Bolivia Government Information Agency reported heavy rain and floods in the town of Yuracarés, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, where at least 872 families and 21 indigenous communities were affected. Indigenous groups such as the Yuracarés and Yuquis are at high-risk of floods due…
Unofficial Sources: Severe Weather Argentina On 19 February 2020, media reported heavy rain during the past week in Chaco Province, Argentina, affecting at least 35,000 persons, and 2,000 persons were evacuated. The most affected towns in Chaco Province were as follows: Gancedo (340 millimeters of accumulated rainfall), General Pinedo (205 mm.),…
Official Sources: Severe Weather Peru On 14 February 2020, the Peru National Emergency Operations Center (COEN) reported heavy rain and an overflow of the Cocas Creek which affected the Vilcanchos District in Víctor Fajardo Province, Ayacucho Department, where 200 persons and 200 homes were affected. In addition, 67 people were directly injured…
Official Sources: Severe Weather Bolivia On 14 February 2020, the Bolivia Government Information Agency declared a disaster zone for Luribay Municipality, La Paz Department, due to heavy rain and river flooding that has affected 500 families, 30 households, and 1,050 hectares of agricultural land. In addition, media reported this rainy season…