Performance Monitoring Tool for the National Expanded Program on Immunization







About the tool

Phases of the monitoring





There are four key steps in this phase:

  1. Establish the working group,
  2. Gather information through a desk review of the national EPI.
  3. Produce a situation analysis report to summarize the results of the desk review.
  4. Adapt the tool to the national context.


Go to phase 1





This phase relates to planning and conducting the self-assessment at the subnational and national levels. There are two key steps to this phase:

  1. Planning of self-assessments:
    • at the national level
    • at sub-national and local level
  2. Implementation of self-assessments:
    • at the national level
    • at sub-national and local level


Go to phase 2




Follow up


There are three key steps to this phase:

  1. Use of scores and visualization to obtain information
  2. Develop the final report
  3. Develop action plan
  4. Implement action plan


Go to phase 3

Phase 1: Preparation

1. National Coordination Team - Presentation to introduce the Performance Monitoring Tool



2. Roles and responsibilities of the National Coordination Team and Regional Coordination Team



3. Recommended document-list for desk review



4A. Situation analysis report



4B. Situation analysis presentation



5. Guidelines to adapt the Performance Monitoring Tool



Phase 2: Implementation

Phase 3: Follow up

16. Final report for the self assessment



17. Action plan



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