Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD)

The Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) is a group of individual experts convened by PAHO to provide technical, scientific, and/or strategic advice to PAHO. According to its advisory function, the SAG VPD advises and recommends –as opposed to approve or decide–. The SAG VPD helps to assess or to analyze, to critically appraise and evaluate a situation, but ultimately, it will provide the Director of PAHO with advice or recommendations that PAHO, in turn, may decide to follow or not to follow.

The SAG VPD is established by the Director of PAHO and composed of external experts acting in their personal capacities and not representing any external entity, authority, or government. The SAG VPD might be called upon to provide specific and time-limited advice or broad and ongoing advice on strategic issues.

Terms of reference


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The achievements reached in the Region of the Americas thanks to regular immunization programs have protected populations from a high burden of disease, deaths, lifelong sequelae, and societal disruptions in education, productivity, and other aspects of life. However, over the past ten years, the Region has experienced a sustained overall decline in vaccine coverage against diseases such as measles, rubella, and polio, putting the Americas at a high risk of outbreaks from diseases previously controlled or eliminated. It is necessary to reaffirm political commitment in the Region and to define innovative strategies, combat misinformation and vaccine hesitancy, increase community participation and strengthen the work of immunization programs. In addition, there is an unprecedented number of new vaccines to be considered for introduction within a short timeframe. The SAG VPD was created to advise the Director of PAHO to advance the achievement and maintenance of regional immunization goals.

The SAG VPD is the principal strategic advisory group for vaccines and immunization to PAHO. The group is responsible for providing an independent evaluation of the scientific technical and strategic aspects of the regional immunization program of the Americas and recommend priorities to PAHO. The SAG VPD advises on the introduction of new vaccines and extending or adjusting the antigens and target populations, including high-risk and vulnerable groups of all ages, for the routine vaccination schedule. The SAG VPD provides guidance on optimal policies, strategies and tactics to ensure the control of VPD or achievement of VPD eradication or elimination goals and response strategies and operations to relevant public health emergencies, concerns and priorities in the region. The SAG VPD also reviews and provides recommendations on mechanisms to advance the political and technical immunization agendas of the Americas –including the vaccine and immunization research agendas–, and to strengthen the National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAG) in the region.

In addition, the Director of PAHO appoints SAG VPD members to convene and chair working groups to work on specific issues and inform SAG VPD recommendations, via teleconference or videoconference.

The Special Program for Comprehensive Immunization at PAHO serves as the technical secretariat for the SAG VPD.

The SAG has up to 15 members representing various disciplines relevant to VPD. Member selection considers technical expertise, geographical representation, and gender balance. SAG VPD members, including the chairperson, are selected and appointed by the Director of PAHO following an open call. SAG VPD members serve 3-year terms and can be reappointed. The chairperson chairs SAG VPD meetings and liaises with the technical secretariat. The chairperson can be reappointed as a member but may only serve one term as chairperson. PAHO may terminate appointments or may appoint a replacement as needed or as specified in the terms of reference or appointment letters.

SAG VPD members must respect the impartiality and independence required of PAHO. They may not seek or accept instructions from any government or external authority and must be free of any real, potential or apparent conflicts of interest. Nominated members must complete a declaration of interest form, and their nominations will be evaluated by the PAHO secretariat to ensure that no conflicts arise. Appointment to the SAG VPD is subject to PAHO receiving the countersigned invitation and temporary adviser letters. Notwithstanding the requirement to complete the PAHO declaration of interest form, SAG VPD members have an ongoing obligation to inform the PAHO of any interests real or perceived that may give raise to a real, potential or apparent conflict of interest. PAHO may, from time to time, request SAG VPD members to complete a new declaration of interest form.

SAG VPD members do not receive any remuneration from PAHO for any work related to the SAG VPD. However, when attending in-person meetings at the invitation of PAHO, their travel cost and per diem shall be covered by PAHO in accordance with the applicable PAHO rules and policies.

The SAG VPD shall normally meet at least twice each year, one in-person meeting and one virtual meeting with the working languages being English and Spanish and with a quorum of two-thirds of its members. Meetings may be held in open and/or closed session, as decided by the chairperson in consultation with PAHO. Sessions dealing with the formulation of recommendations and/or advice to PAHO shall be restricted to the members of the SAG VPD and essential PAHO secretariat staff (closed session).

PAHO may invite external individuals to attend the open sessions as “observers” in their personal capacity or as representatives from a governmental institution / intergovernmental organization, or from a non-state actor. Observers will not participate in the process of adopting decisions and recommendations of the SAG VPD.

Observers will be requested to complete a confidentiality undertaking and a declaration of interests form prior to attending a session of the SAG VPD. Invitations to observers attending as representatives from non-state actors will be subject to internal due diligence and conflict of interest considerations in accordance with FENSA. Observers invited as representatives may also be requested to complete a confidentiality undertaking. Observers shall normally attend meetings of the SAG VPD at their own expense and be responsible for making all arrangements in that regard.

Active participation is expected from SAG VPD members, including in working groups, teleconferences, and interaction over email. They may be requested to review documentation and to provide their views for consideration by the SAG VPD ahead of meetings.

The SAG VPD shall make recommendations by consensus. If, in exceptional circumstances, a consensus on a particular issue cannot be reached, minority opinions will be reflected in the meeting report. Reports of each meeting as well as a yearly report shall be submitted by the SAG VPD to the PAHO director, who retains full control over any subsequent decisions or actions regarding any proposals, policy issues or other matters considered by the SAG VPD.

SAG VPD members shall not speak on behalf of, or represent, the SAG VPD or PAHO to any third party. PAHO shall determine the modes of communication by the SAG VPD, including between PAHO and the SAG VPD members, and the SAG VPD members among themselves.

SAG VPD members 2024 – 2027


members SAG VPD icon


Peter Figueroa, MD, Ph.D Epidemiology and Population Sciences.

SAG VPD Chair. Jamaica

Nelson Alvis, Ph.D. Health Economics and Management.


Alejandro Cravioto, MD, pediatrics, Ph.D.


John Fitzsimmons, MURP. Access to vaccines.

United States

Gloria Giraldo, MSc. Epidemiology.


Volga Iñíguez, Ph.D Molecular Biology.


Renato Kfouri, MD, pediatric infectious diseases.


Arlene King, MD, Public Health and Preventive Medicine.


Gerald Lerebours, MD MPH.


Natalia Pasternak, Ph.D Microbiology.


Sonia Resik, MD, microbiology.


Jose Romero, MD, pediatric infectious diseases, microbiology.

United States

Ricardo Ruttimann, MD, pediatric infectious diseases, MPH-CLE.


Daniel Salas - Ad hoc Secretary. Executive Manager, Special Program for Comprehensive Immunization. PAHO/WHO.

United States


These terms of reference may be reviewed and adjusted as determined by the PAHO Director.