Immunization Toolkit: EPI Planning

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The annual plan of action of the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) is a managerial tool for programming and monitoring that facilitates prioritization, to foster efficient and timely achievement of objectives and goals. Developing a plan of action enables the EPI to:

  1. Implement activities on schedule that are consistent with defined objectives and strategies
  2. Harmonize actions and actors around a common objective
  3. Obtain and dedicate the necessary resources
  4. Monitor and evaluate progress toward the defined objectives

The format for the EPI plan of action was updated to include standardized definitions for 12 common technical areas of work that should be included in all plans and to include more detailed information concerning the costs of the Program.

Annual EPI plans of action should be elaborated by national immunization programs at the end of the prior calendar year, or at the latest, at the beginning of each new year. Country plans should then be submitted to PAHO/WHO, where they will serve as the basis for all technical cooperation efforts provided by the Organization.

This section contains the guidelines for countries’ annual EPI plan of action.