Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official Sources:   Tropical Storm Fay United States of America On 10 July 2020, the United States National Hurricane Center reported that Tropical Storm Fay is expected to cause heavy rainfall from northern Delaware and eastern Pennsylvania northeast across New Jersey, southeast New York, and portions of New England; flash flooding is…
Official Sources:   Tropical Storm Cristina Mexico On 9 July 2020, the Government of Mexico reported that the center of Tropical Storm Cristina is located southwest of the Jalisco coast and is expected to cause very heavy rains in Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima, Baja California, and Michoacán states in addition to strong gusts of wind and high…
Unofficial Sources:   Brazil On 8 July 2020, media reported that heavy rains and flooding in Rio Grande do Sul State forced the evacuation of more than 340 people, displaced 65, and caused damage in at least six municipalities including Santa Rosa, Caxias, Lajeado, Ijuí, Santa Tereza, and São Sebastião do Caí. The Taquari and Cai river…
Official Sources:   Severe Weather Colombia On 5 July 2020, the Government of Meta Department reported that heavy rains and overflow of several rivers in numerous municipalities of Meta Department affected 1,245 families, causing the evacuation of 131, and damaging 1,057 hectares of crops. According to media, the rivers that overflowed are…
Official Sources:   Tiempo severo Brasil (actualización) El 2 de julio de 2020, el Gobierno del Estado de Santa Catarina informó que el ciclón extratropical del 30 de junio afectó al menos a 135 municipios del estado. Según los datos más recientes, al menos 2.200 viviendas sufrieron daños en el estado y varias escuelas sufrieron daños,…
Official Sources:   Severe Weather Brazil On 1 July 2020, the Government of the State of Santa Catarina reported that an extratropical cyclone that occurred on 30 June affected at least 102 municipalities in the state causing the death of 9 persons and the disappearance of two. Extensive damage to property has occurred and damage survey and…
Official Sources:   Severe Weather Chile On 29 June 2020, the the Chile National Emergency Office of the Ministry of the Interior (ONEMI) reported severe weather due to a frontal system affected several communes in the Regions of Atacama, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Metropolitan, O'Higgins, Maule, and Biobío. In Biobío Region, 230 houses…
Official Sources:   Wildfire United States of America On 29 June 2020, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reported that the Canal Fire, located on state and private land in and around Leamington and Fool Creek towns in Utah State, threatens homes, farm equipment valued at one million USD, and a cement plant. Elsewhere in Utah, the…
Official Sources:   Severe Weather   Mexico On 25 June 2020, the Veracruz Ministry of Civil Protection reported that heavy rains affected 50 neighborhoods in Xalapa and Tlalnelhuayocan municipalities of Veracruz State. According to media, the municipaliteis of Coatepec, Martínez de la Torre, Poza Rica, and Tepatlaxco were also affected.…