Natural Disasters Monitoring - October 20, 2020

Official Sources:
Severe Weather 

On 20 October 2020, the Mayor of Santa Marta in Magdalena Department, Colombia reported heavy rain, flooding, and landslides affecting 2,500 homes in 79 neighborhoods. In addition, media reported an overflow of Tamacá creek affecting nearby areas. Floods and landslides affected 42% of Santa Marta city and caused several vehicles to be trapped due to strong currents. The reports are available in Spanish at: Alcaldia Santa Marta and El Tiempo Noticias.

On 19 October 2020, the Guatemala National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED), reported that the El Fuego Volcano has generated 8-13 explosions and shock waves causing vibrations in the communities near the volcano. Incandescent material ejected 100-200 meters high caused avalanches in the Ceniza, Trinidad, and Lajas drainages. In addition, ash falls were dispersed in communities of the Chimaltenango Department: Santa Sofía, Yucales, Morelia, and Panimaché. The report is available in Spanish at: CONRED.

United States of America

On 20 October 2020, the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), reported a 7.5 magnitude earthquake occurred 55 miles southeast of Sand Point, Alaska (pop. 1,064) with a depth of 25 miles. A Tsunami Warning was issued for South Alaska and the Alaska Peninsula. There were 57 aftershocks ranging from 1.9 -5.9 magnitude and tsunami waves of 2.5 feet were observed in Chignik Bay, Alaska and near Hilo and Kahulu cities, Hawaii State. The report is available in English at: FEMA Daily Operations Briefing.  

Unofficial Sources:

Severe Weather 

On 19 October 2020, media reported heavy rain and flooding in Havana, Cuba affecting the municipalities of Cerro, Centro Habana, and La Habana Vieja. The National Institute of Hydraulic Resources of Cuba provided humanitarian assistance to 16,000 residents of the city of Havana. The report is available in Spanish at: CiberCuba Noticias.