Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official Volcano Saint Vincent and the Grenadines On 14 April 2021, according to the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Center La Soufrière Volcano has changed its current pattern of explosions which appears to be episodic (stop-and-go) with longer periods between explosions and less energy, however, explosions and accompanying…
Official      Volcano   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (update) On 13 April 2021, the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines reported an explosive event at 10:48 PM on 13 April causing pyroclastic flows heading down on the eastern side of the La Soufrière Volcano. The occurrence…
Official      Volcano   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (update) On 13 April 2021, marking the 42nd anniversary of La Soufrière Volcano last eruption, the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines reported a new mayor explosion from the La Soufrière Volcano at 6:30 AM. Additionally,…
Official      Volcano   Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (update) On 12 April 2021, the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines reported that approximately at 4:15 AM, the dome of the Soufriere volcano collapsed generating pyroclastic density currents along the eastern and western…
Official      Severe Weather  Dominican Republic On 7 April 2021, the Dominican Republic Emergency Operations Center (COE, per its acronym in Spanish) reported 13 provinces remain under alert due to expected heavy rain and flooding. Media is reporting heavy rainfall and flooding caused one fatality in Miches City and damaged…
Official Severe Weather Colombia On 7 April 2021, according to the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM per its acronym in Spanish) daily bulletin, the ongoing heavy rain has caused sudden increases in the Sucio and Urumita Rivers affecting 180 homes and approximately 52 commercial buildings in La Playita, Puente…
Official    Severe Weather  Haiti On 5 April 2021, according to the Civil Protection Haiti (Protection Civile Haiti), the intense rains, which have been falling for at least three days in the northern region of Haiti, have caused three deaths and significant damage in several departments. Additionally, one death and a total of 149…
Official:  Guatemala (Update) On 31 March 2021, the Guatemala National Institute for Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH as per its acronym in Spanish) updated information regarding the eruption of he Pacaya Volcano. According to the information, the Mackenney crater, has been active in the last few hours erupting…
Official:    Severe Weather  Colombia (Update) On 26 March 2021, the Colombia National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD), updated information regarding the first rainy season of the year in Colombia. To date, 275 municipalities in 25 departments were affected; the most affected departments were: Cundinamarca, Nariño,…