Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official     Severe Weather     Guatemala (Update)  On 14 June, the Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish) reported 24 weather related incidents over the weekend which affected 81,969 people in the departments of Alta Verapaz, El Progreso, Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Quiché…
Official     Severe Weather     Guatemala (update)  On 13 June, the Guatemala National Coordination System for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish) reported 11 rain incidents in the country which affected 70,050 people in the departments of Alta Verapaz, El Progreso, Guatemala, Sololá, and Totonicapán.…
Official     Severe Weather     Colombia  On 11 June, media reported heavy rains in the department of Antioquia that caused the overflow of the Tigüí and Nechí rivers, affecting more than 60% of the population and 700 families. A public state of emergency was declared by the Mayor’s Office of El Bagre. In the townships of…
Official     Severe Weather     Guatemala (update) On 9 June, the Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish) reported that overall, during the 2021 Rainy Season, a total of 44,232 people have been affected by heavy rains. Currently, 15 persons have been evacuated and sheltered due…
Official   Severe Weather     Guatemala   On 8 June, the Guatemala National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED, per its acronym in Spanish) reported heavy rains that occurred on 7 June that affected 4,048 people across 5 departments. Two incidents related to structural damage caused by the rains occurred in El Porvenir…
Official     Severe Weather     Guyana (Update)  On 8 June, the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) reported heavy rains and flooding in Guyana over the past 14 days that has affected at least 7,900 households across the country. The Civil Defense Commission (CDC) of Guyana has provided almost…
Unofficial     Severe Weather     Colombia   On 4 June, media reported that the Colombia Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD, per its acronym in Spanish) advised municipal and departmental governments to maintain high alert to severe weather as heavy rains are forecasted over several national territories even though…
Official     Severe Weather     Chile (update)  On 4 June, the Chile Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (ONEMI, per its acronym in Spanish) reported heavy rains between the Ñuble and Los Lagos region that have impacted various communities. In the communities of Curacautín and Curarrehue, 432 people and 211 people…
Official   Severe Weather     Chile   On 2 June, the Chile Ministry of the Interior and Public Security (ONEMI, per its acronym in Spanish) reported that due to the overflow of the Toltén and Boldo rivers, and the Coliman and Pirén estuaries in the commune of Toltén, 96 people have been affected and 40 homes have been flooded.…