Natural Disasters Monitoring - April 1st, 2021


Guatemala (Update)

On 31 March 2021, the Guatemala National Institute for Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH as per its acronym in Spanish) updated information regarding the eruption of he Pacaya Volcano. According to the information, the Mackenney crater, has been active in the last few hours erupting columns of ash, water vapor, and other magmatic gases rising to heights of approximately 3000 to 4300 meters above sea level. Lava continues to flow on the western flank at the place known as La Breña, which continues to advance westward,. The total length of the flow exceeds 3000 meters. Additionally, the lava flows have caused fires in the vegetation and crops in their path, the destruction of buildings, and the permanent interruption of roads. The reports are available in Spanish at: Boletín Vulcanológico Especial BEPAC-67-2021, and ECHO Daily Flash

Severe Weather 

On 31 March 2021, according to the Peru National Institute of Civil Defense (INDECI as per its acronym in Spanish), heavy rainfall affected homes, crops and animals in the villages of Reforma, San Antonio, Asunción, San Juan, Puerto Mercedes and Papaplaya, in the district of Papaplaya, province and department of San Martín. According to the information, an estimated 340 homes and the same number of families were affected. Additionally, there was damage to an undetermined number of hectares of crops and lost animals. The report is available in Spanish at: COEN Nota de Prensa.