Natural Hazards Monitoring

Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas

Updates on natural hazards in the Americas



Official :  Volcanic Activity  Guatemala  On 1 February 2021, the Guatemala National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED), reported that the Santiaguito Volcano has increased its seismic activity; ash fall was reported in the areas of Montebello, Loma Linda, and San Marcos Palajunoj in the Quetzaltenango…
Official:   Severe Weather  Paraguay  On 1 February 2021, the Paraguay National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) reported heavy rain and floods affecting 222 families in Asuncion City and Central Department, Paraguay. The following areas of Asuncion were affected: Ricardo Brugada (Chacarita), Santa Ana, and Cateura. The report is…
Official: Severe Weather  Paraguay  On 3 February 2021, the Paraguay National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) reported heavy rain and floods affecting Tobati City and several communities in Cordillera Department, Paraguay. In addition, media reported more than 500 families and houses were affected due to the flooding. The reports are…
Official:  Severe Weather    Guatemala (Update) On 1 February 2021, the National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED), provided an updated report on low temperatures affecting several areas of Guatemala. A total of 4,425 people (an increase of 553 people since the last update on 25 January) were housed in 8 shelters…
Official:    Severe Weather  Paraguay On 28 January 2021, the Paraguay National Emergency Secretariat (SEN) reported heavy rain and overflow of the Pilcomayo river and the Gonzalez stream affecting 2,491 indigenous families in several communities of the Boqueron and Presidente Hayes departments, Paraguay. SEN will provide…
Official  Severe Weather    Guatemala (Update) On 25 January 2021, the National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED), provided an updated report on low temperatures affecting several areas of Guatemala. A total of 3,872 people (an increase of 414 people since the last update on 20 January) were housed in 8 shelters…
Official: Severe Weather  Bolivia (update) On 25 January 2021, Bolivia Ministry of Defense, reported an update on the severe rain in the country; heavy rain affected 48 municipalities and 7 departments of Bolivia. To date, a total of 15,593 families, 873 homes, and 7,438 hectares of agricultural land were affected. In addition, 8 deaths…
Official:  Severe Weather  Guatemala (Update) On 20 January 2021, the National Coordinator for the Reduction of Disasters (CONRED), provided an updated report on low temperatures affecting several areas of Guatemala. A total of 3,458 people (an increase of 1,086 people since the last update on 8 January) were housed in 8 shelters in the…
Official:  Severe Weather    Bolivia On 19 January 2021, Bolivia Ministry of Defense, reported heavy rain and an overflow of the Amaguaya, Tipuani, Mapiri, Challana, and Coroico in Guanay Municipality, La Paz Department, Bolivia. The severe weather affected 2,600 families, caused injuries to 1,800 families, and left 100 homes at…