The Pan American Health Organization cordially invites you to participate on Wednesday 12 August, 2020, at 12.30 pm EDT, in a webinar to present the first findings of the Regional Study on Alcohol, Drugs and Road Injuries in Emergency Rooms. This session is part of the Alcohol and Health Webinar series.
Since 2017, PAHO has implemented a regional study in selected countries of the Region, with the support of the Interamerican Development Bank, aimed at assessing the role of alcohol and other drugs on non-fatal traffic injuries in emergency rooms. Studies have been completed in Peru, Dominican Republic and Argentina. In this webinar, first findings will be presented and discussed.
Dr Cherpitel is the Director of the PAHO/WHO collaborating center on alcohol epidemiology and injury, at the Alcohol Research Group in Berkeley, CA. She is an international expert on emergency department and injury studies, including the long-running Emergency Room Collaborative Alcohol Analysis Project (ERCAAP).
Dr Cremonte is a professor at the University of Mar Del Plata, with expertise on alcohol epidemiology, alcohol related harm, and have conducted studies in many areas of health, including alcohol related injuries in emergency rooms, brief interventions for alcohol in pregnant women and alcohol consumption among university students.
- Moderator - Maristela Monteiro, PAHO
- Introduction- Maristela Monteiro, PAHO and Marisela Ponce de Leon, IADB
- Background and preliminary findings from Peru and Dominican Republic - Cheryl Cherpitel, Director of the PAHO/WHO collaborating center on alcohol epidemiology and injury, at the Alcohol Research Group in Berkeley, CA
- Preliminary findings from Argentina - Mariana Cremonte, professor at the University of Mar del Plata
- Panel Discussion I (5 minutes each on implications for traffic safety policies):
- Hernan Malaga (Peru),
- Jeanette Baez (Dominican Republic)
- Questions and Answers
- Panel Discussion II (5 minutes each on broader implications for alcohol and substance abuse policies as well as for traffic safety):
- Maristela Monteiro, Senior Advisor on Alcohol, PAHO
- Eugenia Rodriguez, Regional Advisor on Road Safety, PAHO
- Luis Alfonzo, Regional Advisor on Substance Use, PAHO
How to participate
- DATE: Wednesday, 12 August, 2020
- TIME: 12.30 - 2.00 pm (EDT) [see below the time correspondence]
- REGISTER: https://pahowho.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7qRzYpH4Qjan7c-Uj-Om1g
- Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with the information to connect to the webinar.
The session will be in English and Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation.
Time correspondence
- 9:30 am.- Los Angeles
- 10:30 am. – Guatemala City, San José, San Salvador, Tegucigalpa
- 11:30 am. – Bogotá, Kingston, Lima, Mexico City, Panama City, Quito, Santo Domingo
- 12.30 pm - Bridgetown, Castries, Georgetown, Havana, Port of Spain, Santiago, Toronto, Washington DC
- 1:30 pm. – Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Paramaribo
For other cities, check the time in the following link
Alcohol and Health Webinar Series
This webinar is the seventh session of the Alcohol and Health Webinar Series for 2020, continuing the series iniciated in 2019, with the purpouse of disseminating up-to-date and accurate information about alcohol epidemiology, harms, policies and research in the Region of the Americas and globally, which in turn can be used for advocacy, policy development and implementation.
To receive invitation to upcoming sessions on this series, as well as the recordings and presentations, register at: http://eepurl.com/gfTHYT
Access the recordings and presentations of previous webinars in the Alcohol webpage following link: Alcohol and Health Webinar Series