Sistema de Gestão de Integridade e Conflitos (SGAIC)

Auxílio para manutenção da integridade e resolução de conflitos na OPAS

O foco da missão da OPAS está na necessidade de incutir e reforçar uma cultura de ética e integridade em tudo o que fazemos. Promover o comportamento ético em todas as facetas do nosso trabalho pode levar a melhores resultados, um melhor ambiente de trabalho e uma redução dos conflitos.

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ICMS Resources
The Ombuds is an independent and impartial official who provides confidential, informal conflict resolution services for PAHO staff members who experience work-related issues, challenges and problems. Visit OMB.
The Ethics Office helps personnel meet their responsibilities and obligations under the PAHO Code of Ethical Principles and Conduct. It provides advice on a wide range of issues, including the acceptance of gifts, outside employment and activities, participation on board and committees, and conflicts of interest. In addition, the Ethics Office provides training to help personnel understand the PAHO Code of Ethics, common ethical issues faced by personnel, and the Organization's expectations of their conduct. Visit ETH
The Investigations Office conducts professional, independent, impartial, objective and timely administratively fact-finding investigations into allegations of misconduct involving any person who works in a PAHO workplace, regardless of the type of contract held or the duration of appointment, as well as third parties performing activities contracted for or financed by PAHO. Visit INV
The Office of the Legal Counsel (LEG) is responsible for providing unified and central legal services, advice and counsel to the Secretariat as a whole and the Organization's Governing Bodies. Visit LEG
The Information Security Office provides information and advice about the use of the information within PAHO. The office also has the responsibility to carry out investigations whenever information security incidents occur. Visit ISO
The mission of the Office of Internal Audit (OIA) is to provide internal auditing to the Organization. Visit OIA
The Board of Appeal (BoA) reviews decisions that affect staff members and has the power to make inquiries and recommendations of a course of action to the Director. Visit BOA
The Human Resources Management Office is available to provide advice and counseling to both managers and staff on Human Resources matters. It resolves management/employee disputes and prepares de Organization's pleadings before the PAHO Board of Appeal.  Visit HRM
The Administrative Tribunal (ILO) is a genuine court of law and has the power to give orders binding on both sides of a dispute. Visit ILO

Recursos del SGAIC

Asociación de Personal

La misión de la Asociación de Personal es proteger y promover los intereses del personal en cada aspecto de su trabajo participando para ello en una comunicación eficaz con la dirección acerca de cuestiones que interesan y preocupan al personal, en particular en lo que se refiere a la política de personal y las condiciones de servicio. Leer más...