Nutrition in Early Life: Implications and Challenges in the Region of the Americas


Montevideo, August 26, 2021 (CLAP/PAHO)- Delving into early life health care and nutrition by emphasizing the available evidence on essential nutritional interventions and the importance of strategies to sustain mother's milk feeding, particularly in small and severely ill newborns, were some of the topics discussed in the webinar  Nutrition in early life: Implications and Challenges in the Region of the Americas,  organized by CLAP on August 26.  The event brought together more than 1,000 participants on the Zoom platform and had nearly 600 views on YouTube.

After the opening remarks by Dr. Pablo Durán, PAHO Regional Advisor on Perinatal Health, Dr. Audrey Morris, Nutrition Advisor of PAHO’s Risk Factors and Nutrition Unit, referred to the importance of breastfeeding from the moment of birth and the repercussions of initial feeding throughout life, while Dr. João Aprigio, coordinator of the Brazilian Network of Human Milk Banks of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation addressed the issue of human milk banks in Latin America and the Caribbean. Before closing the meeting, Dr. Durán referred to the importance of introducing the perspective of rights and equity in policies that address early nutrition.

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