PAHO Director's Annual Report highlights health advances following the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Washington, DC, September 30, 2024 (PAHO)- At the opening of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) 61th Directing Council, PAHO Director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa presented his annual report, which reflects the Organization's ongoing efforts to recover health gains and address vulnerabilities exposed by COVID-19.

“The lessons learned from the pandemic are challenges that we must recognize, learn from and be prepared to face again. Despite this, I am pleased to say that we have made progress,” Dr. Barbosa said during the presentation of the report.

The document, whose theme is “Postpandemic Momentum: Implementing Lessons Learned and Recovering Public Health Gains in the Region of the Americas,” details PAHO's work between July 2023 and June 2024, reflecting progress made in various priority programs, such as the Disease Elimination Initiative; the Better Care for Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) Initiative, the Zero Maternal Deaths Initiative, the digital transformation of the health sector; and the strengthening of regional production and Regional Revolving Funds.

In addition to these initiatives, the report addresses progress in other strategic technical cooperation activities, such as strengthening and renewing primary health care as the backbone of a resilient health system; enhancing national and regional capacity to detect and respond to public health emergencies; restoring immunization coverage; developing the health workforce; addressing the effects of climate change; and reducing inequities in access to health.

Despite the difficulties and setbacks faced by the region during the pandemic, the PAHO Director stated that equity remains at the center of health for all people. “Equity is our moral compass in the pursuit of health for all,” he said.

“PAHO will continue to work with countries to build resilience in our health systems so that they can serve the needs of people in the Americas,” he emphasized.