Coverage of the 61st Directing Council of PAHO

76th Session of the Regional Committee of WHO for the Americas

Washington, D.C., USA, 30 September–4 October 2024

The Council meets once a year in those years when the Conference does not meet. It acts on behalf of the Conference between sessions of the Conference.


Link to 61st Directing Council photo collection

President of the 61st Board of Directors, Teresa Barán, receives recognition from Dr. Jarbas Barbosa at the end of the session.
President of the 61st Board of Directors, Teresa Barán, receives recognition from Dr. Jarbas Barbosa at the end of the session
Opening session of the 61st Directing Council
Opening session of the 61st Directing Council
Group photo of the delegates of the Americas participating in the 61st Directing Council
Group photo of the delegates of the Americas participating in the 61st Directing Council

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