The platform for the exchange of experiences and collaboration approves its statutes, which establish the existence of a steering committee and five thematic technical committees, while PAHO will occupy the Technical Secretariat of the network.
Washington, D.C., February 10, 2025 - The Network for Intersectoral Work and Social Participation for Health Equity in the Americas (TIPSESA) is moving forward in the consolidation of its structures following the approval of its operating statutes. This platform of experts was promoted by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in 2023, during the First Meeting on Intersectoriality for Health Equity in the Americas, held in Havana, an event that was supported by the government of Canada and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
The new statutes of the TIPSESA Network establish that this platform for exchange and collaboration will have a steering committee, a technical secretariat to be provided by PAHO, six technical committees and a general assembly for its regular operation.
TIPSESA membership is open to “those public institutions, non-governmental organizations, philanthropic foundations and academic institutions that support human development and promote health equity, that have legal capacity and are not for profit, that apply through the application form and provide the required documentation in accordance with these Bylaws and the governing bodies”.
Five areas of work
The mission of the TIPSESA Network is “to become an intersectoral network of the Americas that promotes intersectoral work for equity in health, collective wellbeing and the public policies of governments”, with the aim of “bringing together diverse actors within and outside the health sector of the Americas region to support intersectoral work aimed at reducing health inequities by addressing their social determinants”, explain the statutes, which establish five areas of work for the network:
- Governance of intersectoral action for health equity, well-being and quality of life.
- Social and community participation in intersectoral action.
- Leadership in intersectoral action for health equity, well-being and quality of life.
- Intersectoral actions on social determinants for health equity, well-being and quality of life.
- Monitoring and evaluation of intersectoral actions for health equity, well-being and quality of life.
engagement with non-State Actors form (FENSA)
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