January 17, 2025 (PAHO) — Over 117 participants from stakeholders, attended the third information session on the development of the proposed PAHO Strategic Plan 2026-2031. During the session, a comprehensive briefing was presented, highlighting the updates on the development of the Strategic Plan since the second session, as well as the proposed outcome and impact indicators.
Delegates acknowledged the progress made on the SP26-31 consultation document and reiterated their appreciation for the consultative process.
In addition to feedback on specific elements of the proposal presented by the Secretariat, stakeholders also emphasized the need for indicators that address health promotion and the achievement of health and well-being; more information on how the Plan will be aligned with global/other indicators, including on SDG target 3.8 (UHC), taking into account the need to harmonize indicator definitions; the proposal for new indicators related to CKD and self-care; and the inclusion of an indicator reflecting the Secretariat's contribution to the development/implementation of strategic plans, policies and health plans of regional integration organizations.
Discussions also included the need to increase the visibility of the Caribbean through SP26-31 and the importance of measuring work done with subregional integrating mechanisms.
The development process will culminate with the presentation of the final draft of the Proposed Plan at the 62nd PAHO Directing Council in September 2025, as outlined in the roadmap presented to the 61st PAHO Directing Council in September 2024 (CD61/INF/1).