Scaling up the Protection, Promotion and Support to Breastfeeding during COVID-19

Scaling up the Protection, Promotion and Support to Breastfeeding during COVID-19
Nurse aids new mom with breastfeeding

The theme for World Breastfeeding Week this year is focused on the positive influence that breastfeeding can have on tackling the impacts of climate change which is viewed by experts as the most serious threat facing our planet today.


This virtual meeting is organized to generate a forum for discussing the current challenges that may influence the promotion, protection and support to breastfeeding and presenting country experiences which we hope will result in a renewed commitment to protect, promote and support breastfeeding in our countries.


1. To underline the benefits of breast feeding as it relates to child health, nutrition, and maternal health

2. To present the additional beneficial impact of breastfeeding and the reduction of the carbon footprint which will have a positive impact on climate change.

3. To share countries experiences in reaching the goal set for 2025 of 50% of mothers having breastfed for the first six months and the strategies being implemented.

4. To highlight the benefits of breastfeeding during the COVID pandemic.

Expected Outcome

Participants are knowledgeable on some of the current challenges that may influence breastfeeding practices and are exposed to practical ways of addressing these while galvanising interventions to protect, promote and support breastfeeding highlighting its benefits to child, maternal and planetary health.

Target Audience

Health Care workers, community leaders, pregnant women new mothers, fathers, parents to be and families and general public.

Date and Time

Wednesday 05 August 2020, 2pm


Virtual meeting will be held using Webex:…;

Password: BreastisBest

PAHO ECC Breastfeeding Webinar