Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries

The Office for the Eastern Caribbean Countries (ECC), headquartered in Barbados, was established in September 2006 to increase PAHO's country presence in the Eastern Caribbean. ECC operates from a building that is kindly provided by the Government of Barbados and its responsibility is to deliver PAHO/WHO's technical cooperation (TC) in the Eastern Caribbean Countries and Territories and the French Departments in the Americas, which are:

In addition to a cadre of staff based at the Country Office in Barbados, six Country Program Specialists (CPSs) are strategically placed in Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, to assist in the delivery of TC in the Eastern Caribbean.    


Regional Stories

Country Stories



Communications Materials

Mandates and Strategies