Board of Appeal - Rules of Procedure (2024)

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PAHO’s Staff Regulations confer on the Director of PAHO the authority to establish a mechanism with staff participation to consider appeals filed by staff appointed under Staff Rule 420 against a final administrative action or decision affecting their terms and conditions of employment1.

2. Section 12 of PAHO’s Staff Rules sets out the grounds of appeal and provides for the establishment of a Board of Appeal at Headquarters to review appeals by staff members.

3. The Board of Appeal is part of the internal administration of justice system in PAHO and is a member of PAHO’s Integrity and Conflict Management System (ICMS).

Rule 2. Level of Authority

The functions of the Board of Appeal are exclusively advisory and it has no decision- making or investigative authority. Upon examination of the record in a particular appeal case, the Board of Appeal will submit a report containing its findings and recommendations to the Director of PAHO regarding the merits of the appeal. Based on the Board’s report, the Director will make a final decision in the matter.