Vaccination Week in the Americas will target 60 million children and adults Boost your Power! #getvax More than 60 million girls and boys, men and women in 45 countries and territories…
PAHO Director at OAS: Ebola shows need to invest more in healthDr. Etienne at OAS General Committee Despite progress in controlling infectious diseases and extending…
Clarification on PAHO Foundation. PAHO seeks to clarify its relationship with an entity calling itself the PAHO Foundation (the "Foundation"). The Foundation was formerly affiliated with PAHO, but we have severed our ties, and PAHO no longer has any relationship with the Foundation. The Foundation's works and efforts are not sponsored by, approved…
PAHO/WHO donation will help flood-affected communities in Chile  estanques-agua-chile Communities affected by recent flooding in northern Chile will benefit from 200…
The 5th meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 regarding the Ebola virus disease (EVD, or "Ebola") outbreak in West Africa was conducted with members and advisors of the Emergency Committee on Thursday, 9 April 2015. View Original Document / Ver documento…
We all need food but are you sure that the food you eat is safe? Most of us take it for granted. But in fact food can become contaminated with harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites and chemicals that cause more than 200 diseases—from diarrhea to cancers. Today, on World Health Day, I want to share a few facts and recommendations about food safety…
Every day Rosameli Rodríguez tends her family's garden plot. She grows a variety of fruits and vegetables, including the essential ingredients for preparing typical El Salvadorian meals: tomatoes, leafy greens and beans. She grows the vegetables under a mesh to protect them from contamination by birds or animals. Nevertheless, before preparing the…