Noncommunicable diseases prematurely take 16 million lives annually, WHO urges more actionphysical activity Urgent government action is needed to meet global targets to…
Isabella Danel, former CDC official, sworn in as PAHO/WHO Deputy Director Dr. Isabella Danel, Deputy Director Dr. Isabella Danel, a U.S. citizen and former official of the…
One year into the Ebola epidemic: a deadly, tenacious and unforgiving virusEbola survivor One year after the first Ebola cases started to surface in Guinea, WHO is…
PAHO/WHO honors Haitians and international relief workers on 5th anniversary of 2010 earthquakehaiti-images-150px On the fifth anniversary of the earthquake that devastated Haiti…
Washington, D.C., 24 December 2014 (PAHO/WHO) - The year 2014 was marked by progress as well as significant challenges for public health in the Americas. The region's countries advanced toward goals including universal health coverage, expanded access to vaccination, and ensuring that fewer babies are born with HIV. They also confronted major new…
Washington, D.C., 22 December 2014 (PAHO/WHO) - Although the United States is the only country to date that has registered cases of Ebola imported from the current outbreak in West Africa, countries in Latin America and the Caribbean are working with support from the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) to…
In 2013, 2,300 babies were born with HIV in the region, down from 10,700 in 2001 Washington, D.C., 15 December 2014 (PAHO/WHO) — The number of babies born with HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean declined by 78% between 2001 and 2013, according to a new report from the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) and…
In Latin America and the Caribbean, 30% of the population lacks access to health care for financial reasons—a situation PAHO member countries have pledged to change. Washington, D.C., 12 December 2014 (PAHO/WHO) — The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) has joined a coalition of more than 500 organizations from…