Global Health Leaders Unveil and Adopt Roadmap and 5-Point Call to Action WASHINGTON, June 9, 2015—The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), World Bank Group, World Health Organization (WHO), and countries and partners are coming together today at the World Bank Group for a high-level summit, Measurement and Accountability for…
Caribbean leaders will discuss stepped-up action to tackle chronic diseasesNCDs-active-people Health leaders from throughout the Caribbean are meeting this week with…
The first WHO report on deaths and injuries due to drowning is presented in the Americas, highlighting the need for prevention. Washington, D.C., June 3, 2015 (PAHO/WHO) - Drowning is among the five leading causes of death among people aged 14 years and under in the Americas, according to the first Global Report on Drowning: Preventing a Leading…
PAHO/WHO urges measles and rubella vaccination for travelers to the 2015 Americas Cup vaccination-rubella The Pan American Health Organization/World Health…
The Ebola outbreak that started in December 2013 became a public health, humanitarian and socioeconomic crisis with a devastating impact on families, communities and affected countries. It also served as a reminder that the world, including WHO, is ill-prepared for a large and sustained disease outbreak. View Original Document / Ver documento…
PAHO urges member countries to ratify new protocol on illicit tobacco illicit-tobacco-2015 In the lead-up to World No Tobacco Day (May 31), the Pan American Health…
La Paz, Bolivia, 27 May 2015 (PAHO/WHO) — Miriam had not realized she was pregnant with her sixth child when she began to bleed. "I'm bleeding. Let's go to the hospital before it's too late," she told her husband. On the way, she went into shock and lost consciousness. But she remembers part of the trip, being on a stretcher, and "a thing they…
Haiti: Activities for the Vaccination Week in the Americas During the Vaccination Week in the Americas 2015, the Direction of the Expanded Program on Immunization in Haiti (DPEV) organized a conference on the 29th April 2015 with partners involved in this…
Geneva, 26 May 2015 (PAHO/WHO) -- The 68th World Health Assembly closed today after approving three new resolutions: one on air pollution, one on epilepsy and one laying out the next steps in finalizing a framework of engagement with non-State actors. In closing the eight-day meeting, Director-General Margaret Chan said the Assembly had passed…