PAHO's Director calls on the countries of the region to develop a new Women's Health Agenda in order to achieve comprehensive care appropriate for the health problems that most affect them Washington, D.C., 24 June 2015 (PAHO/WHO).- Women's health needs are not being adequately met by current social and health policies in the countries of the…
PAHO Executive Committee discusses strategies and plans to improve health in the Americas paho-156-ec The Executive Committee of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) opened…
Member States at the General Assembly of the OAS approve Inter-American Convention on Protecting the Human Rights of Older Persons, among them, the right to health Washington, D.C., June 16, 2015 (PAHO/WHO) - The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is celebrating the commitment of the countries of the Americas to strengthen the protection of…
Caribbean countries vow to step up action on chronic diseasesNCDs-active-people Representatives of CARICOM governments ended a high-level meeting in Barbados this week…
Negative impact of ultra-processed foods demands strong response from governments and civil societyprocessed-food Experts from 12 countries of Latin America meeting in Panama this week…
This year's campaign focuses on getting people to donate more frequently and increasing the number of voluntary donors, especially among young peopleWashington, D.C., June 10, 2015 (PAHO/WHO) - "Thank you for saving my life" is the campaign theme of this year's World Blood Donor Day, held on 14 June. The initiative recognizes the millions of…