Argentina - International training workshop for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders

Argentina - International training workshop for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders


The international workshop on the Parent Skills Training program (PST) for caregivers of children with developmental disorders was held in Buenos Aires, 27-31 August. Representatives from seven Latinamerican countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Nicaragua, Peru and Uruguay) attended the workshop, which was jointly organized by PAHO/WHO and Autism Speaks.

PST is an effective program for parents and caregivers of children with developmental disorders and is delivered by non-specialists. Currently, developmental disorders and delays are highly prevalent conditions. It is estimated that worldwide 1 in 160 children has an autism spectrum disorder. However, the prevalence of developmental disorders is still unknown in most countries of the Region. People with developmental disorders are a vulnerable group. In many countries they experience human rights violations; stigma and discrimination are often associated with these conditions.

Among its objectives, PST includes the promotion and strengthening of optimal parent-child interactions, improving behavior management, promoting coping and problem solving skills, and highlighting the importance of caregivers' well-being. It also aims to reduce associated stigma and discrimination.

Some of the participating countries will be starting a pilot implementation phase. Upon completion of the phase, after reviewing the material and according to the results obtained, the material will be made available to the countries of the Region and globally.