Suriname - Meeting on current models of mental health services delivery

This meeting was organized by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of Suriname, November 7-8, 2017. The main objective was to gain insight into the current models of mental health services delivery in Suriname and identify facilitators and impediments for integrating mental health into primary care (PHC). 

Participating organizations and government representatives from the four major hospitals, the two NGOs that provide primary care services in the country, health care professionals, and representatives from the association of psychology, shared their experiences, programs, lessons learned and plans to integrate mental health into PHC.

The Director of Health Services of the Ministry of Health, Dr. M. Wijingaarde van Dijk, explained that citizens, including patients diagnosed with psychiatric disorders, have access to national health insurance and that the country has a mental health policy. This policy has three strategies: decentralization of psychiatric care, the integration of mental health services into primary care, and improving the mental health information system. Participants worked in groups, focusing on strategies to scale up mental health in PHC. 

Dr. Claudina Cayetano, Regional Advisor on Mental Health facilitated the meeting and Esha Marhe, Focal Point for Non-Communicable Diseases and Risk Factors participated on behalf of PAHO/WHO local office.