PAHO promotes the importance of young people to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the Americas

SDG Adolescentes

Washington, D.C., 25 October 2023 (PAHO) –The Pan American Health Organization hold the first in a series of webinars on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and youth, focusing on SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.

Titled “Accelerating progress towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) targets for young people in the Americas,” this first webinar aimed to foster reflection on the current status of SDG targets for young people. It explored means to accelerate SDG progress for this population group, in particular for those living in conditions of vulnerability, ensuring that young people are not left behind.

“Now is the time to invest in the health, well-being, and development of our young people. Doing so will contribute to accelerated human capital and economic development, not only for right now, but also for the future,” remarked PAHO Director, Dr. Jarbas Barbosa in his opening remarks. 

The SDG 3 targets include reduction of maternal, neonatal and child mortality, ending the epidemics of communicable diseases, reduction of the burden of noncommunicable diseases and promotion of mental health and well-being, reduction of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents, ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, and universal health coverage. 

At the launch of the SDGs in 2015, the United Nations Secretary-General underscored the importance of young people in the SDG process, stating that youth are key to building a better future and have the energy, creativity, and drive to take the lead on social, economic and environmental change, if they are provided with the skills and opportunities needed to reach their potential, support development and contribute to peace and security.

Currently, the population of young people (aged 10-24 years) in the Americas is the largest in the Region’s history, estimated at 237 million. Global and Regional indications suggest that young people are not fully benefiting from SDG investments and progress. 
Failure of current policy and investment approaches to meet the needs of young people could result in a missed opportunity to empower them with the skills and opportunities needed for their growth, thriving, and leading transformative change.

The webinar recording is available here.