Earthquake magnitude 8 strikes Alto Amazonas in Peru

Terremoto Perú 2019

On May 26, 2019 (02:41:12 local time), an earthquake magnitude 8 (135 km depth) was registered in Peru, whose epicenter was located 60 km south east of Lagunas - Alto Amazonas. Source: Instituto Geofísico del Peru.

The situation is under control of local and national authorities and no international assistance has been requested.

Damage assessment

Damage and needs assessment is still ongoing but initial reports indicated that:

  • 11 persons are injured,
  • one person is dead,
  • 85 families are homeless,
  • at least 9 main roads are affected,
  • one bridge collapsed, and
  • several locations report power outage and water supply interruption.

Status of health infrastructure

  • Two health posts reported severe damage and are out of function (Lago naranjal and Huatapi, both in Santa Cruz).
  • Four additional health facilities reported low damage and remained fully operational (Santa Gema Hospital in Yurimaguas, Loreto Regional Hospital in Iquitos, Health Center of Lagunas, and Health Post in Progreso).

PAHO´s Country Office is in contact with health authorities and partners to support monitoring and response as needed.

Official reports from the National Emergency Operations Center and the Ministry of Health are regularly shared through @COENPeru and @Minsa_Peru respectively. Some of them are posted below for easy reference.

Peru Official Reports:

Ecuador Official Reports

PAHO Situation Reports


Interactive Map