Call for awareness projects on illicit trade and tobacco taxation

The Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health of the Pan American Health Organization is calling for proposals for awareness projects to reduce illicit trade of tobacco products and increase tobacco taxation. 

The objective of this competitive proposal is to raise awareness on the importance of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products and to promote the support to the increase on tobacco taxes, measures included in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The projects can be submitted by a governmental institution, a civil society or non governmental organization, a PAHO country office, or by an alliance of two or three of these institutions, in any country of the region of the Americas.

Terms of the call

Eligibility criteria
Applications are welcome from all countries in the Region of the Americas. Preference will be given to proposals complying with the following criteria:

  • PAHO key countries (Bolivia, Guatemala, Guyana, Haití, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Suriname).
  • Any alliance created among government agencies, civil society organizations or Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and PAHO/WHO country offices, although proposals sent by any of these three institutions are also welcome.
  • Alliances among several countries in the Region.

Type of projects to be funded
The proposals to be funded should include activities to raise awareness on the ratification of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco Products, the effectiveness of its mandates and its contribution to tobacco control strategies (including for those non-FCTC Parties), as well as the use of tobacco tax policies as public health measures to reduce tobacco use.

The proposals are expected to foster engagement of those national governmental agencies directly involved in the implementation of illicit trade and/or tobacco taxation policy measures.

Deadline for application
The proposal has to be submitted by June 28, 2015, before 11:55 pm (EST time. 

Amount of funding 
Proposals are expected to range from USD 5000 to USD 10,000 for activities carried out in one country. The limit could be increased, should the proposal include more countries, up to a maximum of USD 20,000.

Notification of grantees
The selected proposals will be notified on July 10, 2015.

Implementation period
The proposals should consider an implementation period of 3 months. The activities should be implemented and the funds fully expended by November 6, 2015. And the final report is to be submitted by November 16, 2015.

How to submit a Project Idea

Complete the downloadable format in this page and send it to, with copy to Use the following subject: "Proposal for projects related to illicit trade and tobacco products taxation".  For inquiries, please write to, copy