PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centres in Cuba responding to COVID-19


In the most recent Andar La Salud  newsletter (PAHO/WHO Cuba), the actions taken by PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centres in Cuba against COVID-19 are highlighted. 

Below are examples of the Centres' activities:

PAHO/WHO CC for the Study and Control of Dengue and WHO CC for Tuberculosis Elimination, El Instituto de Medicine Tropical “Pedro Kouri” (IPK)

  • Devoted its laboratory resources, work teams, and experts to the research and treatment of COVID-19. The Centre participated, together with different health, scientific and academic institutions, in preparation of the National Plan for COVID-19, as well as in the establishment of the network of SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic laboratories.

PAHO/WHO CC for the Development of Genetic Approaches for Health Promotion, Centro Nacional de Genetica Medica

  • Worked with national surveillance for prenatal ultrasound of pregnant women with COVID-19, as well as in the diagnosis and possible teratogenic effects of the SARS-CoV-2 virus while monitoring these effects in the therapies used for the management of COVID-19.

PAHO/WHO CC in Knowledge Management and Communication, Ministerio de Salud Pública

PAHO/WHO CC in Public Health and Aging, Centro de Investigaciones sobre Longevidad, Envejecimiento y Salud (CITED)

  • Worked on documents for the management of elderly patients in nursing homes and critical care units (therapies) and communication materials aimed at caregivers and elderly people in confinement.

PAHO/WHO CC in Hospital Organization, Management and Quality, Hospital Gustavo Alderegia Lima 

  • Carried out training and updating actions for health personnel at different levels of care.

PAHO/WHO CC for the Regulation of Health Technologies, Centro para el Control Estatal de Medicamentos, Equipos y Dispositivos Médicos (CECMED)

  • Actively participated in seminars and virtual meetings convened by PAHO/WHO for the regulatory update and technical discussion of relevant issues in the context of COVID-19 with the National Regulatory Authorities.