Belize - Stakeholder consultation to develop a national suicide prevention plan

In an effort to develop a National Suicide Prevention Plan, the Mental Health Program of the Ministry of Health in Belize, in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), hosted a two-day stakeholder consultation workshop in Belize City, July 4-5.

About sixty persons representing various government ministries, non-governmental organizations, and representatives of mental health user groups participated in the workshop. PAHO/WHO's Representative, Dr. Luis Roberto Escoto, and the Director of Health Services, Dr. Marvin Manzanero, delivered welcome remarks. Dr. Escoto noted that PAHO recognizes the relevance of suicide in the country and expressed the Country Office's full commitment to support the development of this plan. 

Dr. Claudina Cayetano, PAHO's Regional Advisor on Mental Health, facilitated the workshop and made presentations on the regional perspective of suicide, evidence-based suicide prevention strategies, and framework for developing suicide prevention plans. 

Ms. Lorna Perez, Surveillance Officer of the Epidemiology Unit at the Ministry of Health, described the situation of suicide in Belize, using data from the Belize Health Information System (BHIS). This is a real-time and up to date digital health information system that also gathers data on mental health issues, including suicide, and has a built-in alert system for suicide attempts that enables the understanding of suicide patterns in the country. 

Since poisoning is one of the most common methods for suicide attempts, the Belize Pesticide Control Board was invited to present the legislative context for pesticide management and discuss access to pesticides. 

Dr. Jorge Polanco, mental health focal point at PAHO Belize, and Mrs. Eleanor Bennett, the Ministry of Health Mental Health Program Coordinator, explained that the prevalence of stigma has impacted suicide prevention and response efforts. Given the above, it is imperative to develop a suicide prevention plan that addresses the risk factors associated with suicidal behaviors. 

The workshop concluded with presentations from Ms. Lizette Bell, Director of the Policy and Planning Unit of the Ministry of Health, on the road map and timelines for completion of the suicide prevention plan. The plan preparation effort is led by the Ministry of Health with technical support from PAHO/WHO.