Experts meet to discuss unmet need for contraception

meeting attendees

16 June 2016 - Representatvies from 27 countries and experts from agencies such as the IBP Initiative, PAHO, and WHO gathered in Lima, Peru, this week to discus how to best respond to unmet need for modern contraception in Latin America and the Caribbean.

As part of the meeting, entitled "Responding to Unmet Need for Contraception with Evidence and High Impact Practices", experts presented trends and inequities in access to and use of contraception, high impact practices and enabling environments, and tools for adolescent and youth programs.

Experts also presented on the the epidemiology, impact, and programmatic strategies for addressing the Zika virus in the region, including expanding access to LARCs. Panelelists also discussed the identification of at-risk populations and designing innovative services and programs for vulnerable populations, such as youth and indigenous communities.

During group work sessions, participants developed country-specific action plans for ensuring access to family planning in the context of the Zika epidemic. Country teams then presented their plans to the conference, providing an excellent opportunity for learning and exchange.