22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion

The Municipal Health Secretariat Curitiba, the International Union for Health Promotion and Education and their partners are looking forward to hosting this important global public health and health promotion event. 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion will take place in Curitiba, Brazil.

The aim is to create a global forum where researchers, practitioners and policy makers concerned by the promotion of health and equity will share and discuss new knowledge, innovations in practice and policy and cutting edge experience.

Thematic scope

Despite urgent calls for governments at all levels to take action on the social determinants of health such as the distribution of resources and power, the gap between those at the top and those of the bottom of social hierarchies is still growing. The concentration of the global wealth into an increasingly limited proportion of individuals has reached an unprecedented level. 

The health impacts of such a concentration are visible globally through international comparisons showing that population health in wealthy nations is still improving pushing the limits of human lifespan to unchartered territories, whereas that in the poorest and most disorganised countries is regressing. Health impacts are also felt nationally and locally in our cities, neighbourhoods and villages wherein entire groups of people do not have access to the basic resources with which building up their own health and that of their children and grandchildren. 

Thirty years after the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion was adopted by participants who committed "to tackle the inequities in health produced by (societies') rules and practices" and more than ever, equity should be a top priority for health promotion policy makers, practitioners, researchers and their partners. 22nd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion will provide a unique opportunity to assess progress, share strategies, exchange research results and reflect on innovative practices and policies that promote health and equity, at all levels of governance.

Sub themes

In order to explore in details how to promote health and equity, and emerging from the most innovative and current work in health promotion research, policy and practice, the following sub themes will structure the conference program:

1 - Ethical and cultural imperatives in interventions that promote health and equity
2 - Urban change to make differences locally, paying attention to emerging voices
3 - Health in all policy and intersectoral action : innovations in theory, evaluation and research
4 - Pathways to achieve sustainable and healthy human development on a global scale
5 - Creating shared research questions to bridging the research/practice gap