World Psychiatric Association´s new digital Ibero-American Library

It is an innovative project approved by the Executive Committee of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) combining in a single website psychiatry and mental health magazines and publications of participating countries and organizations, published in Spanish in digital version, and permanently updated.

Search can be done by keywords, subject area, author, title or publication. One of the main objectives is to permanently rescue and compile in a single site all mental health publications in Spanish, many of them little disseminated.

Different associations have agreed to include articles published in their own journals in recent years, and associates, as well as other institutions, can also contribute books of their own authorship in digital format or PDF.

The WPA Ibero-American Library of Psychiatry, developed and coordinated by Dr. Alfredo Cía, has an Editorial Committee composed of members designated by different institutions in order to keep the necessary contact, and select, collect and update all bibliographic material they receive.

For more information and to access the library, please go to: