Webinar Launch of the SDG 3 Portal: Evidence and Intelligence for Action on SDG 3 Targets

Webinar Launch of the SDG 3 Portal: Evidence and Intelligence for Action on SDG 3 Targets
Couple with child

Sixth Session of the Webinar Series: COVID-19, SDG Health Targets and Equity

Where: Zoom

Time: 11:30 am - 01:00 pm (EDT)

The Department of Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health (EIH) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) extends a cordial invitation to the Webinar: Launch of the SDG 3 Portal: Evidence and Intelligence for Action on SDG 3 Targets, sixth session of the COVID-19 webinar series, SDG Health Targets and Equity, which will take place on Thursday, September 02, 2021, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (EDT).

Prior to the identification of severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus type 2 or SARS-CoV-2 and the declaration of the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19), there was positive progress toward meeting the targets of Sustainable Development Goal No. 3 (SDG 3): Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Although positive progress has been observed in certain areas, it is also clear that progress toward meeting the SDG 3 targets is insufficient and unequal between and within the countries of the Americas. The current pandemic context imposes new challenges on people's expectations for health and well-being, threatening the achievement of the SDG 3 targets in the promise to leaving no one behind.

Recognizing the importance of addressing the intersectionality between COVID-19, the SDG 3 targets, and the urgent task of reducing inequities in health, in support of the Member States, PAHO prioritized the establishment of the initiative aimed at monitoring progress toward the achievement of the SDG 3 targets, with special emphasis on monitoring social inequalities for their health indicators. This initiative aims to strengthen accountability and apply the best available evidence to inform technical cooperation in the implementation of priority strategies and actions aimed at achieving the SDG 3 targets by explicitly promoting equity, i.e., leaving no one behind, in the post-pandemic regional scenario.

This webinar will present the SDG 3 Portal, the initiative's central tool for disseminating analytical products, scientific evidence, dashboards for monitoring the SDG 3 target indicators and related inequalities - where the current status and the average and distributional trends of the SDG 3 indicator framework are evidenced - and facilitate access to indicator data. The SDG 3 Portal offers a variety of intelligence and evidence resources that are constantly updated to guide actions aimed for achieving the SDG 3 targets. The presentation of the SDG 3 Portal will be followed by a discussion session with three distinguished panelists who will speak about the sub-regional and national perspectives for the portal’s use and institutionalization in support of the common objective of maximizing the contribution of health to sustainable development. The final portion of this session will end with a question and answering period to facilitate participant interaction.


Moderator: Dr. Patricia Soliz, EIH Specialist

Welcome Remarks: 11:30 am - 11:40 am
Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, PAHO / WHO Deputy Director

Portal launch: 11:40 pm - 11:50 pm
Dr. Sebastián García, EIH Director

Presentation 1: 11:50 am - 12:00 am
Accountability for SDG 3
Dr. Oscar Mujica, EIH Advisor

Presentation 2: 12:00 pm - 12:10 pm
Evidence for action on SDG-3
Dr. Ludovic Reveiz, EIH Advisor

Invited panelists: 12:10 pm - 12:40 pm
Dr. Rolando Ocampo
Director of the ECLAC Statistics Division

Dr. Maria del Carmen Calle
Executive Secretary ORAS-CONHU

Dr. Gerry Eijkemans
Health Promotion and Social Determinants PAHO

Round of Questions and Answers: 12:40 pm - 12:55 pm

Closing Remarks: 12:55 pm
Ms. Adrienne Cox, EIH Senior Advisor