Variant of Concern (VOC) Delta to Omicron, Transmissibility, Severity, Impact of Social Mobility - What will drive future trends and Optimizing our response

Variant of Concern (VOC) Delta to Omicron, Transmissibility, Severity, Impact of Social Mobility - What will drive future trends and Optimizing our response
Webinar flyer VOC Delta to Omicron

The PAHO/WHO Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries will be hosting a webinar on the factors that will continue to drive Covid-19 surges and potential impact of the Variant of Concern Delta and Omicron SARS-CoV-2.


  • To discuss factors contributing to the increase in cases during and after the holiday season and prevention steps to reduce the spread
  • To provide information on the factors driving transmission of the new VOC Omicron and Delta SARS-CoV-2
  • To discuss the impact of social mobility and social mixing and importance of public health and social measures
  • To strengthen the health systems and services for clinical management for patients with Severe Covid-19 Cases
  • To advise all countries to reassess and revise national plans based the current situation for the new year.

Target audience

Participants include, Ministry of Health officials, health care workers, social services providers and educators.

How to participate