Blood Donation and Transfusion in COVID-19

Blood Donation and Transfusion in COVID-19

WEBINAR: "Blood Donation and transfusion in COVID-19"

DATE AND TIME: Tuesday, 30 June 2020 10:00 am, (Eastern Daylight Time - New York, GMT-04:00)

WEBEX LINK(Registration Required):

MODERATOR: Ms. Begoña Sagastuy, Advisor, Medicines and Health Technologies, PAHO/WHO


  • Mauricio Beltrán D.
    Regional Advisor for blood and transplant services PAHO/WHO (15 min). Brief presentation on PAHO/WHO guidance for blood donors and on regulatory considerations on authorization of the use of convalescent plasma (PC)
  • Alexander Indrikovs Experience in the USA. main changes in blood donation during the pandemic, donor selection, measures implemented for donor safety and blood supply, results, relevant aspects of convalescent plasma use. Learned lessons.
  • Ashley Duits Experience in Curaçao - main changes in blood donation during the pandemic, selection of donors, measures implemented for donor safety and blood supply, results, relevant aspects of convalescent plasma use. Learned lessons.