Working Group on Good Laboratory Practice (WG/GLP) (historical records)
This Working Group on Good Laboratory Practice (WG/GLP) was created in June 2005 by recommendation of the Fourth Pan American Conference for Drug Regulatory Harmonization (PARF Network) of PAHO. The formation of this group was based on the excellent work and results obtained up until that time by the external quality control program (PCEC).
The PCEC measures the performance of the official laboratories for control of medicines in the region and sends them blind samples for analysis. The results are evaluated by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). The medicines controlled to date have been in the PAHO programs on antimalarial drugs, anti-tuberculosis drugs, and HIV/AIDS drugs. The PCEC works under the direction of PAHO/WHO. It has technical assistance and financial support from the USP.
The working group held its first meeting in the city of Panama (1-3 June 2005). At this time, the group was established and defined its mission, objectives, and a 2-year work plan.
Strengthen the performance of the official laboratories for control of medicines (LOCM) in the countries of the Region of the Americas through implementation of Good Laboratory Practice, to guarantee the quality of the laboratory test results and facilitate mutual recognition of the results.
- Support implementation of GLP in the LOCM1.Preparation and dissemination of educational material for implementation of the WHO GLP (2002)
- Preparation of a training and continuing education plan
- Technical support for countries that accept the commitment to implement GLP
- Establishment of a LOCM network1.Formalization of PCEC
- Harmonization of reports on results
- Preparation of a proposal to structure the network
Miembros del grupo de trabajo buenas prácticas de laboratorio
Members of the Working Group on Good Laboratory Practice
Main Members: MERCOSUR: Sigrid Mathison, Uruguay; ANDEAN COMMUNITY: Ofelia Villalba, Perú; SICA: Nilka Guerrero, Panama; CARICOM: Lucette Cargill, Jamaica; USP: Damian Cairatti, United States; FIFARMA: Thomas Schultz, United States; Mara Gloria Olate, Chile (Main Coordinator).
Alternate Members: MERCOSUR: Olga Gruc, Argentina; ANDEAN COMMUNITY: Cecilia Garnica, Bolivia; SICA: Ana Lara Sterling, Cuba; CARICOM: Mrs. C. Alvarez, Trinidad and Tobago.
Secretariat (PAHO/WHO): José M. Parisi, Washington, D.C.
Work Plan
The work plan included the definition and planning of tasks, the assignment of responsibilities, and a time-line for:
- Interpreting and applying the standard (WHO Report 36)
- Preparing educational modules and workshops
- Executing courses on GLP
- Executing education and training workshops
- Preparing the self-evaluation guide on GLP
- Implementing the self-evaluation guide on QCL
- Evaluating materials provided by USP
- Preparing sample program for PCEC
- Preparing documents for the formalization of PCEC
- Preparing documents for structuring the QCL network
- Preparing forms for the harmonization of reports and results
- Red PARF Documento Técnico No. 2. OMS Serie de Informes Técnicos, No. 902, 2002. Informe 36, Anexo 3. Buenas prácticas para Laboratorios Nacionales de Control Farmacéutico . (2010) 137 p. (Spanish, English and Portuguese)
- Red PARF Documento Técnico No. 3. Guía de autoevaluación de buenas prácticas para Laboratorios Nacionales de Control Farmacéutico . (2010) 71 p. (Spanish, English and Portuguese)
- Red PARF Documento Técnico No. 4. Estudio sobre las condiciones actuales de los Laboratorios Oficiales de Control de Calidad de Medicamentos (LOCM) en América Latina y el Caribe. (2010) 45 p. (Spanish, English and Portuguese)
- Red PARF Documento Técnico No. 6. Documento de Autoevaluación de Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio (BPL) (2011) 113 p. (Spanish, English and Portuguese)
- Rede PARF Documento Técnico No. 9. Boas Práticas da OMS para Laboratórios de Controle de Qualidade de Produtos Farmacêuticos (2011) 58. (Portuguese)
Course on Good laboratory practices (GLP) for the Official Laboratories for Control of Medicines (LOCM)
Background: The Pan American Network for Pharmaceutical Harmonization (PANDRH Network), through the Technical Working Group on GLP (WG/GLP), developed a proposal for a course on good practices for national pharmaceutical control laboratories. This course has been implemented in several countries of the Region. It will be presented at the Fifth Pan American Conference on Drug Regulatory Harmonization to be held in 2008.
- Promote use of the WHO recommendations for GLP: Report 36, Annex 3 (Technical Report Series 902, 2002).
- Improve the performance of the quality control laboratories.
- Circulate and promote use and correct implementation of the Self-Evaluation Guide on GLP of the PANDRH Network.
- Increase the communication and exchange of information between the official quality control laboratory, local manufacturers of medicines, and the academic sector.
- Update the knowledge of the staff members of the Ministries of Public Health and the academic sector regarding to the latest WHO recommendations on GLP.