WHO Collaborating Centres (CCs) are institutions such as universities, laboratories, research institutes, hospitals, ministries, or national academies which are designated by the Director-General to carry out activities in support of the Organization’s programs.
Each PAHO/WHO CC* cooperates with a specified technical area, according to terms of reference to carry out research, assisting in the development of PAHO/WHO guidelines, gathering and analyzing data, disseminating information, conducting training courses, or providing technical input to the Organization.
Institutions are identified by PAHO/WHO personnel based on the eligibility criteria listed below. They do not “apply” to become CCs. After at least two successful years of joint work, PAHO/WHO staff will propose the designation of the part of the institution they have been working with.
*All WHO CCs located in the Region of the Americas are known as Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centres (PAHO/WHO CCs) since PAHO serves as a WHO Regional Office.