Brazil and PAHO/WHO Will Cooperate in System to Monitor Emergencies in HealthThe Ministry of Health of Brazil and PAHO/WHO signed at PAHO…
The opening of the Spanish photographer's exhibition marks the launch of the Safe Motherhood Initiative The opening of Motherhood, an exhibit of photos by Spanish photojournalist Bru Rovira, coincides with the launch of the Safe Motherhood Initiative, which urges the countries of the Americas to renew their commitment and efforts to meet…
World Leaders Meet to Boost Progress on MDGsWe can end poverty 2015With only five years left until the 2015 deadline to achieve the Millennium…
Washington, D.C., 21 September 2010 (PAHO/WHO) - An event on Monday 20 September, coordinated by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Sabin Vaccine Institute, marked the 10th anniversary of the U.N.'s Millennium Development Goals. TEDxFoggyBottom was held at PAHO headquarters in Washington, D.C., simultaneously with TEDxChange…

Dr. Lorenzo G. Feliciano, Secretario de Salud de Puerto Rico Washington, September 17, 2010 - Dr. Lorenzo G. Feliciano, Health Secretary of Puerto Rico, met today with the Director and other technical…
PAHO Director Briefs OAS Ambassadors on Upcoming Directing CouncilPan American Health Organization Director Dr. Mirta Roses today briefed ambassadors…
In order to support countries to document the efficiency and impact of the response to the pandemic through vaccination, using an epidemiological and economic model, a workshop on post-impact analysis of introduction of pandemic…