Washington , D.C., 20 May 2011 (PAHO) - Three tobacco control alliances-from Chile, Peru and around the world-will be honored by the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) as part of this year's World No Tobacco Day campaign. The three groups have all worked to support the development, adoption and implementation…
Geneva, 17 May 2011 (PAHO/WHO) - Durante el segundo día de la 64ª Asamblea Mundial de la Salud, los discursos de Bill Gates, co director de la Fundación Bill y Melissa Gates, y de la primera ministra de Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, marcaron la agenda. En su discurso, Gates llamó a los líderes de los gobiernos a incrementar su inversión en vacunas y…
Haiti Presents Plan to Vaccinate 90 Percent of Children Under 1 Haiti has finalized a plan to ensure immunization against the…
PAHO celebrates first Global Internet Day On May 17th, the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) held…
Governance for Health: Emerging Issue for Intersectoral Policymaking Health is rarely the sole responsibility of the health sector…
PAHO Countries Join Global Effort to Stop Road Deaths and Injuries Countries throughout the Americas are signing on to a worldwide…
PAHO/WHO Urges Travelers to the Americas to Get Vaccinated against Measles and Rubella The Pan American Health Organization/World…
PAHO, PAHEF Outline Future CooperationLa Organización Panamericana de la Salud quiere clarificar su relación con una entidad que se hace llamar a sí misma "PAHO Foundation" (la "Fundación"). La Fundación estuvo anteriormente afiliada con la OPS, pero hemos…