The Accidental Doctor  Dr. Mirta Roses is considered by many as the voice of public health in the Americas, but her path to PAHO was not…
Empezó la 148a. sesión del Comité Ejecutivo de la OPS/OMS El Comité Ejecutivo de la Organización Panamericana de la…
El Comité Ejecutivo de la OPS/OMS continúa sus deliberaciones en Washington, D.C. Washington, DC, 21 June 2011 (PAHO/WHO…
PAHO at the Global Health Council The Pan American Health Organization participated in the Annual Conference of the Global Health…
Panel discussion: Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases "Extending the evidence base for preparing for the high-…
More 'climate-friendly' investments in transport, energy and housing could help prevent significant noncommunicable disease, WHO review finds. Washington, D.C., 14 June 2011 (PAHO/WHO) - Greener investments in transport, housing and household energy policies can help prevent significant cardiovascular and chronic respiratory disease, obesity-…
Population Aging a Challenge for Expanding Social Protection in Latin America The rapid aging of Latin America's population over the…
Preventing Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Against Women  Despite the growing efforts of public and social health to…
TDR Wins 2011 Gates Award for Global Health TDR, the international partnership for research and scientific collaboration on diseases of poverty, is…