PAHO highlights countries' progress, challenges in expanding access to HIV treatment A number of countries in Latin America and the…
Experts say reducing demand is key goal for emerging drug policies In the Americas, the toll of illegal drugs has grown dramatically in…
Rio + 20 declares health key to sustainable development The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) has adopted a series of measures…
Washington, D.C., 24 June 2012 (PAHO/WHO) - World Hepatitis Day is commemorated next July 28th. For this reason and, in response to World Health Assembly resolution (WHA 63.18), PAHO is getting ready for the celebration of such event, both in the countries and in Washington DC headquarters, USA. To date, some countries in the Region have already…
Road Safety is the Subject of a UN Rio+20 Side Event A series of debates on urban transport took place this Wednesday (June 20) in the…
Conference: During the celebration of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the Pan…
The Executive Committee of PAHO/WHO Concluded its Deliberations in Washington, DC The Executive Committee finalized this June 21 the working…
The Health of the Island of Hispaniola at the Heart of Rio+20 The UN side event at Rio+20 "Water and Sustainable Development: Elimination of…