Cuba - PAHO working visit to Cienfuegos

During her working visit to Cienfuegos, Dr. Devora Kestel, Chief of the Pan American Health Organization Mental Health and Substance Use Unit, acknowledged the significant development of mental health services in Cuba as reflected by the vast service network in cities, municipalities and communities, alongside with hospitals and other community actors. 

She highlighted the respect for human rights in the field of mental health observed in the country as well as the organization of specialized services. An example of this is Cienfuegos's community network, which meets its needs and is integrated into primary care.

The Provincial Director of Health, Dr. Salvador Tamayo, described different programs and laid special emphasis on the work and training of professionals in the region. He also highlighted the existence of a wide service network for older adults in one of the smallest provinces, with almost 20% of aging population.

Dr. Kestel met with specialists and local leaders. She also visited a Health Area and its Family Medical Clinic, Polyclinic and Community Mental Health Center. She then toured the new Humberto Miguel Fernandez High School, the Pepito Tey Grandparents' community house, and the Rita Suárez del Villar Home for the Elderly.

At the University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Roberto Baños, the Rector, presented their Prevention and Management of Addictions training programs. Dr. Kestel also held a meeting with members of the Department of Psychiatry.