Georgetown, Guyana, 7 June 2021 (PAHO) – The Pan American Health/World Health Organization collaborated with the privately-owned Balwant Singh Hospital (BSH) for the implementation of Perinatal Information System (SIP Plus) software in the facility. PAHO provided technical support by training the staff at the BSH on the SIP Plus software for the data entry collection. The software allows for the creation of a local and national database for the health surveillance of pregnant women and newborns and provides key information for the care of both.
PAHO in collaboration with the Latin American Center for Perinatology (CLAP) worked closely with the staff of BSH to make the installation and implementation of the, software a success. Even though BSH has electronic software for patient data collection, it has never used the electronic SIP Plus. The compatibility of the current electronic information system will help in the easy transition and transferral of patient care information into the new SIP Plus software.
Dr. Madhu Singh, head of the obstetric unit at BSH, was very impressed with SIP Plus software and noted that it benefits the hospital. Given that the information is entered in real-time, health professionals will have access to extremely timely information to develop policies and evidence-based interventions through research. She stated that “the SIP Plus software is compatible with [health professionals’] current system for analysis and graphs. We are privileged to contribute to the continuum of patient care once SIP Plus is installed locally in all the public hospitals”.
Since 2004, BSH has been providing obstetrics and gynecology (OBGYN) services to the public and has attended to more than 100 obstetric patients daily, with approximately 4000 deliveries yearly.
PAHO/WHO will continue to work with the public and private hospitals to improve the health information system on maternal and neonatal health in Guyana.