PAHO/WHO Representative to Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Countries makes courtesy call to Grenada

From left Hon Nickolas Steele, Minister of Health, Social Security and International Business, Dr Yitades Gebre, PAHO/WHO Representative to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries, and Mr Charlton Henry, Permanent Secretary

Wednesday 4th March, 2020, Ministerial Complex, Botanical Gardens, St George’s, Grenada - Dr Yitades Gebre Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) Representative to Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Countries (PWR/ECC) made a courtesy call to the Minister of Health, Social Security and International Business, the Honourable Nickolas Steele and the Permanent Secretary, Mr. Charlton Henry.

Robust discussions centered around the current Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), COVID-19. Dr Gebre acknowledged the Ministry’s great efforts in preparing, in relation to the possible transmission of COVID-19 into Grenada and encouraged continued efforts in relation to identification of at-risk populations, the protection of healthcare workers, risk communication and the legislative framework needed to enact quarantine and isolation measures.

Minister Steele expressed that with a coordinated approach with stakeholders, including PAHO, that he hoped Grenada’s capacity could be increased to contain, control and manage the current PHEIC.

Dr Gebre provided the Minister with the commitment that PAHO is ready and able to provide support to Grenada and highlighted that it was important to continue to focus on all aspects of health even in the environment of an emergency.

The Minister welcomed Dr Gebre warmly to Grenada and expressed that he looked forward to continued dialogue on a regular basis, to seek the advice of PAHO in all aspects of healthcare.